
DU’s decision to move to a test-optional policy:

yzcca88游戏登录网址,我们相信对申请者的全面审查. 对提交的申请材料进行全面的审查,尤其是对高中成绩的审查,是了解学生长期准备和学术能力的关键. We believe in diving deep into your life experiences, your passions and your engagement within the community. 我们的过程也认识到标准化测试作为审查过程的一部分的价值. ACT或SAT成绩可以提供有用的信息,我们将与其他必要的申请材料一起考虑.

However, 我们知道有时学生可能会觉得ACT或SAT成绩并不能准确地代表他们的学术能力. 我们也理解,有时存在不允许进行测试的情况. 有足够的证据表明,标准化考试并不能反映某些人的真实学术能力. With these and other considerations in mind, the University of Denver adopted a test-optional policy in 2019.

这一政策变化与我们的招生理念一致,并支持DU成为一所致力于公益事业的伟大私立大学的愿景. As stated by Chancellor Emerita Rebecca Chopp, “The University of Denver is committed to access, equity and diversity, and this decision strengthens that commitment. 非考试录取流程符合我们的战略计划, DU IMPACT 2025, 通过为那些可能缺乏标准化备考资源但却是优秀学生的学生消除障碍.”


Choosing whether or not to submit test scores for consideration:

We encourage you to take the SAT and/or ACT standardized tests. If you are able to take the ACT and/or SAT and you believe 你的分数是你能力的准确代表,请把分数发给我们. 我们会将这些分数与您申请文件中的所有其他材料一起考虑-与我们的整体审查过程保持一致.

However, 我们理解今年在安排和参加ACT和/或SAT考试方面的独特挑战. 如果你今年因为任何原因选择不参加这些考试, have been unable to test due to cancellations, 或者认为你的分数不能准确反映你的学术能力, feel free to choose our test-optional process. 我们会在不考虑这些信息的情况下评估你的申请, while maintaining a holistic review process. Your application will not be penalized in any way, 而且你仍然会被考虑申请所有优秀奖学金.

如果您想进一步探索这个选项是否适合您, please feel free to contact your admission counselor.

Frequently Asked Questions

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    How to apply test-optional:

    为了从你的申请清单中删除通常需要的“考试成绩”项目, 请务必在申请表上注明您将通过我们的可选考试流程进行申请 Common Application. Please note that, if you select this option, 考试成绩将不用于(即使提交)录取或优秀奖学金的考虑.

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    我们将审查所有其他所需材料,包括您的通用申请, essay, official high school transcript, and counselor recommendation. We will closely evaluate your high school work – curriculum, trends in grades and how you have challenged yourself. 我们将深入调查你在高中的课外活动, leadership and community engagement. 你的顾问推荐也将帮助我们了解你在学校的背景和你的整体表现.

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    No. There will be no negative impact on your application.


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    For some students, 他们的考试成绩准确地反映了他们的学术能力,甚至可能更全面地反映出他们的成就和潜力.

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    Yes, test-optional applicants are eligible for merit awards. Our top awards are very competitive, but the vast majority of applicants*, with or without standardized testing, will be considered for merit scholarships. yzcca88游戏登录网址奖学金的通知包含在录取决定书中.

    *Please refer to the Exceptions section below.

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    What if I am a home schooled student?

    For home schooled students, the test-optional policy is the same. We encourage you to take the SAT and/or ACT standardized tests. Once you receive your results, if you think 你的分数是你能力的准确代表,请把分数发给我们. 如果你最终决定你的考试成绩不能代表你的能力和潜力, feel free to choose our test-optional process. 

Exceptions to the test-optional policy:

  • 如果你是一名就读于不提供字母或数字成绩的非分级高中的学生, 你可以在不提交官方SAT或ACT成绩的情况下被考虑录取. However, in order to be considered for merit scholarships, you will need to submit an official SAT or ACT score.
  • Applicants who would like to be considered for the 6-Year Bachelor/JD Program are required to submit official ACT or SAT scores.
  • 未来的NCAA一级学生运动员可以选择作为可选考试申请人申请入读杜,不需要向NCAA提交考试成绩. 
  • 非英语为母语的国际申请者必须提交一份 acceptable score on either the IELTS (International English Language Testing System), TOEFL iBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language), or CAE (Cambridge English: Advanced), or DET (Duolingo) to be admitted into a degree program. 详细的英语水平要求和豁免的国际申请人可以找到 here.